Hello, this is Jessica.
On September 29th, I was notified by my company that I was being withdrawn from Girls’ Generation. I can’t hide my confused and upset heart, and want to express my position.
As a member of Girls’ Generation, I’ve put Girls’ Generation’s activities before my personal life and business. However, despite my hard work and dedication for the group, I was notified to leave the group by my company.
While planning my business that I’ve personally had lots of interest in for a while, I’ve sufficiently discussed things and sought understanding about my business with the SM company and members a number of times, from the beginning to recent times. Well there is lot to know about business news at insidemma.
Early August, up until the launch of BLANC, I received consent and approval from SM about carrying out my business [alongside group activities]. I received congratulations from my members and started the business.
However, only one month after the launching, in early September, the members changed their positions and they called a meeting. After that, without proper reason, they requested for me to choose to either quit my business or to leave Girls’ Generation. I explained that I received permission from the company, I hadn’t neglected Girls’ Generation’s activities, and that I couldn’t end my business after one month of launching due to a contract with my business partner. As a result, I said that choosing is an unfair request.
Becoming a Girls’ Generation member has been the greatest thing in my life, and I never thought about quitting. I was taken aback, met with the company’s CEO on September 16th, and told them my position. The company’s consent regarding my running of the company [alongside group activities] was reconfirmed at this meeting.
However, on September 29th, I received a one-sided notification by the company to leave Girls’ Generation. Through that, I was not able to attend the fan meeting at Shenzhen, China that was planned for the next day, September 30th, and I’ve been excluded from all of Girls’ Generation’s activities thereafter.
More that anything, I’ve been hurt a great amount by my colleagues and the company that I spent over 15 years together with, pouring out my passion and affection, requesting that I leave Girls’ Generation because I’m running a business, and I cannot hide my regrettable feelings.
I want to apologize to the fans for making them worry. I would like for it to be understood that this situation is not what I wanted, and that I’ve always valued Girls’ Generation, and I always will. Thank you for always supporting and loving me unconditionally.
Source: dongA via Naver
Translated by: ch0sshi@soshified
Edited by: bhost909@soshified
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sicca please stay
Hmmm. For those who were able to watch TTS live in their promotions, I have a question. How does TTS behave when they’re not performing? Like backstage or something? Are there non-verbal signs that seem to show that something is bothering them?
Why ask? Because we might be able to deduce the truth of what happened based on their behavior. If you unwillingly do something unpleasant to a friend, it will show. You will guilty and burdened and whatnot. So did you observe anything?
For those who will be able to watch the next TTS live performances, that’s something to look out for.
(Deduce. Hahaha. Here I am doing some detective work. Ah the things you pick up from shows like Running Man. Haha)
Aha. See Chi_Soshi_Angel’s comment on the TTS wins first place post. That’s the non-verbal signs I’m talking about.
So it does seem like the theory of the other 8 being controlled is right.
What do you guys think?
i don’t know if they’re really being controlled
but i just read some fact on the exo case of kris, as he left the group. The rest of the boys shows their hate toward kris, except baekhyun. So knowing that the fact the girls isn’t saying anything i took it as a good sign. And if they really being controlled, they could attack sica statement too.
about the TTS, in my opinion the girls could hide their feeling well. Like during Horror Movie Factory, remember when Tiffany so scared but act anyway while sica so honest with her fear. So the girls could be hide their sadness, since the last fanmeet in Beijing and TTS fanmeet they cried. And Taeyeon promised there are only positive things happen in future, so yeah. The girls tried their best not to make us sone worried with their sadness.
For me I’m comparing it with how T-ara kicked Hwayoung out. If the other Soshi disliked Sica they would have bullied her and said bad things about her like T-ara did. Then they will deny it later on when the management removes her, saying they were shocked and that wasn’t what they wanted.
If they weren’t controlled, they would have been vocal about it by now. Maybe not totally direct about it, but hint it in their social media accounts and whatnot. Sunny and Yul for instance hold Instagram chat sessions every now and then. But we haven’t heard anything from them yet.
While we cannot rule out that it was indeed Soshi who deliberately kicked her out, it’s really ver unlikely. Any SONE would think they ‘re being controlled.
Some part of it maybe it’s true, if they aren’t controlled they’ll gain much freedom to say it
But these things are bugging me, remember when the news about sooyoung, yoona dating? Even both of them acknowledge their relationship, but they still didn’t drop many hints to us at first. They’re still bright and cheerful, but as the MC asked about their relationship, they put defensive mode so much. But later in the healing camp, sooyoung and yoona finally dropped the news how it goes and how was their point of view. Which finally we know the truth.
So i guess they want to avoid the topic, maybe they waited for the right time to reveal the truth to us.
One of the other 8 really needs to speak up to clarify things to SONE. Taeyeon most likely.
chappychaco7 has support to Jessica.!
Tbh, I feel that there’s more to be seen. Knowing Jessica, she’s very protective about her members. I doubt she will release such statement to hurt her members. Stay calm and think. If she was dismissed from snsd, why did sm still continue to keep her in sm? I mean, SM’s action makes me feel weird. It’s like they are planning something. The fact that Jessica might be controlled by SM, the other 8 members might be controlled as well, which is why the truth is not revealed yet. It seems like something is holding them back. Who knows, Jessica might be protecting someone or something. Fyi, soojung is still in SM. These are just my assumptions and Jessica is my bias but I truly feel that something is really wrong here.
Keep in mind Jessica’s posts on her weibo account were likely produced by her PR department. I highly doubt she would publish that herself, but I could be wrong.
The other 8 haven’t said anything because they are basically under a gag order from SME (my opinion, not a fact).
I think we can only really tell how they feel from how they act in the future. I don’t think they will directly be addressing the situation any time soon.
For now, we can only hold on to the hope they will be back stronger, as 9.
IF they are really controlled by the higher positions, I sincerely pray and wish that they will get strength and inspiration from Shinwha. After all they mentioned that they wanted to be like Shinhwa. I pray, for their wish to come true.
I don’t know how many people will read this comment, or if this will reach the admins. But I have a suggestion. Why don’t we start some kind of advocacy? Something like 10 thousand signatures to request Sica back into Soshi. Let’s make it trend in all forms of social media all over the world. Something like #wewantSicaback or something. You never know. Maybe SM will have a change of heart after seeing how much it affects all of us.
I think it’s time to show just how strong we can be. We have nothing to lose. It’s worth a try. It might not result to anything but at least we can say we tried. And I’m pretty sure Sica will appreciate the gesture and be assured that SONE haven’t abandoned her. And it’s better than just feeling helpless and sorry for ourselves.
Just my two cents.
Signed. :) Let’s aim for 100,000 guys.
a lot of sones cant believe what is happening right now as well as me.But im still hoping that Jessica would be back,because SNSD will never be the same without her. I STILL BELIEVE IN GIRLS GENERATION.
Hmmm. Something smells fishy. According to Sica’s testimony, the other members asked her to choose between them or her business WITHOUT PROPER REASON. Sounds like someone is controlling them. Or worse, threatening. For all the years I’ve been following GG, I can count on my smart bias Seohyun not to do anything that it is not proper (she is uptight right?). Unless she was pressured to do so, that doesn’t sound like Seo at all (doing things without reason). That’s what had me thinking we don’t see the bigger picture.
I used to be the leader a band and I’ve experienced members leaving the group to puruse other interests. No fights or whatever. I’m very close with them, so asking if they want to leave is very tough. But when we do dismiss a member, it would be of his own will. And we always leave the doors open in case he wants to come back. And we encourage him to do so. Now this is the case with no strings attached.
Things would be different if you have a recording company, managers and sponsors. They could threaten you with their pulling out. Of course, this would make you more desperate and compel you to force those planning to leave to make a quick decision. It’s because you’re protecting your own career. They have no choice but to do drastic things to protect themselves.
So that is my theory. My guess is that the other Soshi members were threatened by SM with something that could jeopardize their careers. Not that SM is evil, but because it’s part of the business. They of course want to benefit. You know the drill. Why else haven’t you heard the other Soshi members say anything on the issue? Maybe because it’s not safe yet. Don’t give me the reason that they’re busy. If Sica was able to write a long testimony despite running a business, so can they.
I do agree with you. Something is wrong. It seems like the 9 of them are being controlled by the higher position.
i can’t agree more. i think you might be on the mark. only time will tell though. it’s unfortunate that it get to this. damn i was really looking forward for them to last 10 yrs as OT9 since they sign on the SM contract for another 3 yrs. sigh i want that OT9 PINK OCEAN, i want to be one of the lucky Sone experiencing what other lucky Sones have been enjoying for yrs. life is so unfair sometimes. praying to the Almighty for a miracle for OT9 to continue on their journey together.
And let’s face it. Would any one of you stab one of your best friends in the back just because you were told? No. You’re more likely to talk to that person to give your friend a second chance. This leads me to think they’re being threatened. It’s like politics. Dirty politicians make you keep silent and say only what they want you to say.
Seeing that new article on AllKPop only confirms my suspicions that this Tyler Kwon guy is shady. It’s only based on a gut feeling and reading a few articles, but I really think he is a bad influence on Jessica. Hyoyeon fell into the same trap but to a much lesser degree. Let’s hope that Jessica makes all the right decisions in the near future.
yeah, i have read some article about him. He sounds fishy, i afraid he has a bad intention. Just hope the best for sica
i still can’t believe it. Every seconds i’m still hoping this is a dream, this isn’t true. but this is reality. we can’t predict things in life. this is so unfair for jessica unnie. seriously, why did SM kicked out their idol? i mean, they wouldn’t get money if they kicked their idol!
This is too cruel and stupid. As a sone I will still support SNSD but I know it will never be the same as it was before.
To all Sones, I am a very hardcore n enthusiatic Sone of SO NYUH SHI DAE.I have almost all of their albums n merchandises.
First of all,I love all 9 soshis because they are BEST GIRL GROUP known 4 their fanstatic and melodious voices.Their music,MV and
other performances r simply DAEBAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!.I also love thei appearance in Music Shows,variety shows and manymore.
Especially,their appearance in RUNNING MAN,episode 4,5,16,63,64,112 n 141.Those episodes really cheered me up n made my day.
I know that the breaking news of Sica noona leaving SNSD officially is really shocking and saddening.I really got so shock and
speechless until i could not concentrate on what i was doing that day.To be honest,I did not expect this to happen to SNSD but
I strongly believe that all this happened 4 a cause.Sones,i know that u r very disappointed with S.M entertainment and hopefully not
So Nyuh Shi Dae.I know that Sica noona has a tons of fans so as other 8 Soshis of SNSD.But guys,rather than blaming S.M Entertainment
n SNSD,We should even demonstrate our LOVE n CARE 4 SNSD n Sica.I guarantee with my life that SNSD Soshis will not do such cruel thing
2 Sica noona.I mean come on,all 9 Soshis r just like very very very super super duper duper close SISTERS,FRIENDS n COLLEAGUE.SNSD is not like
western bands who just meet up 4 writing lyrics n practice singing together 4 upcoming live performances,concerts or regular shows.SNSD
actually spend a lot of time together despite their busy schedules,individual activities and the list goes on.That the main reason
I LOVE KPOP because they r very collectivistic which means that they love doing things as a team a not solo unlike Western pop which
features so many INDIVIDUALISTIC artiste that actually prefer singing on their own.The breaking news has in u.deed broken the hearts of other Sones
around the globe.Rather than being angry n furious at S.M entertainment n hopefully not SO NYUH SHI DAE,just take a moment by
thinking of the debut period and the songs that they have composed n presented to all of us.U guys must remember this fact
S.M Entertainment produces the most successful n popular KPOP group in the heart of KOREAN WAVE.Also one thing that every
TRUE SONE should know is that without S.M Entertainment,do u think SNSD would even exist? I think it is a definite No to that.I know that
S.M Entertainment this time has made every SONE sad n frustrated but just think the effort n time that S.M has put in to
make SNSD to be the BEST girl group in HANGUL.Eventhough,i know that it is SNSD’s effort and hardwork that actually brought
them to today’s popularity but an Artiste sill needs an Agent to help them organise their schedules and other important things.
Without S.M, there will not be SNSD that i always love.SNSD debutted when i was 11 years old n to be able to stick close
together as sisters in a team is not a very easy thing u know everyone.Not many band can actually that long u know or not GUYS!!!!!
To me,whether this is true or false,i will 4ever continue to believe in SNSD and S.M Entertainment.To all other SONES out there,please
continue 2 express your love 4 SO NYUH SHI DAE n SICA NOONA.Please do not hate them but love them even.Eventhough,Sica noona has
officially left SNSD but to me,she will always always n 4ever be part of SNSD.Guys,life has to move on,don’t tell me that
just because SICA left then u choose not 2 be a fan of SNSD.The ICE PRINCESS will still be under S.M just that she would be
performing,promoting and singing with the other 8 Soshis that’s all.I know i will offend all those SICA fans out there.So,please forgive
me if i hv offended u.Sones,hv u ever wondered that how sad SNSD Soshis could be.Can u think in their perspective.Let me ask
u a question,if u were 8 of the SOshis,would u be sad of hateful?For me, i will definitey be extremely sad but ultimately i will
respect SICA NOONA’S whatever decision and continue to support her in her future understakings.Finally,I WOULD LIKE TO REMIND
SICA N SNSD ARE ONE AS AS THE BEST GIRL GROUP.SO NYUH SHI DAE SARANGHAEYO 4EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!8
yes, it’s true that this moment we couldn’t do anything than cheer them on
it’s clearly that snsd isn’t that kind of people who would kick your sister, they have spend 15 years together. And if snsd is really that cruel, they wouldn’t give us a silent treatment, they would defend themselves and having a war on social media. But it didn’t happened, so i’m 100% percent believe that it has to be something big happened to them, which led them to this decision.
And true, sica didn’t kicked from the company, but from the group. So they just have a different schedule but if there any chance coming, she could promote as singer or maybe if this problem clearly solved sica could go back to her sisters. It just right now both party is having a hard time to clear things out. OT9 to the end!
You could join the petition if you haven ‘t yet. Currently has around 60K+ signatures