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[UFO] UFO Replies from Yoona, Maknae & Sunny 10/10UPDATED with 2 more from Yoona and 1 from Sunny

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pink sarang pink sarang
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 06:52 AM

thank you for posting~
yoona and maknae finally reply!!
they're so cute.. especially since yoona's soo tired.
and why is maknae up so late? lol
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deNain deNain
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 06:54 AM

LOL!The fan : is Yoona alive?
LMAO!We are all worried bout Yoona~
But glad that she's still can manage replied those msgs ^^
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darkdragon88 darkdragon88
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 06:54 AM

Although Yoona and Seohyun's UFO replies aren't that exciting, it just totally fits their personality to respond so kindly. I was surprised to see from Yoona though, she really needs to take her time to sleep! Anyway it is good to know she still cares about her fans and is willing to take extra time out to read some UFO stuff.

And yes I agree, Seohyun is getting prettier and prettier isn't she?
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 08:14 AM

Its sad to see all of YoonA's UFO texts and replies are always related to busy time and lack of sleep -_-
Poor yoona, shes overworked! Dang it she should rest yo, shes replies the ufos no matter how busy her life is, garh makes me even love her more.
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lksmjcnt lksmjcnt
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 08:33 AM

wow...both yoona and maknae replied to ufos.
yoona's so tired...she doesn't even have the strength to open a bottle. aish...hope she'll be able to get some rest once yamd is over.
maknae's replies seems so considerate. it always seems like she's apologizing...iono.
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angelicdevil angelicdevil
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 09:15 AM

omg our adorable maknaes replied ufo messages~!
yoong really does need a lot of rest
im so proud to see her being so alive n happy during ASF even w her tight schedule...she's just amajing~
but then poor her she has no strength >.< but w her efforts the drama rated no.1 so im happy everything was worth it ^^
n maknae's replies are so so sweet~ seriously i cant imagine her being angry at all >.<

thx for the translationS!! these totally made my day
yoona's alive!! lolx
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Taessica Taessica
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 09:46 AM

Bwahaha maknae is so polite when replyingXDD and why is Yoong replying to this stuff, she sould be sleeping yo!
I'm glad though even when she has no time she makes some for her fans, ROFL she's still aliveXDD
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booya booya
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 11:18 AM

YoonA! She replied! Wow! I don't know how she finds the time to reply given her very busy schedule. She is such a hard worker! I hope she wins many awards for her acting skills and hope she gets more sleep! She does look beautiful in everything she wears! Even a pikachu costume!:lol: SNSD FTW!
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Seannn Seannn
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 11:49 AM

it's Yoong and Seohyun!

lmao Yoona's replies are just as clever as Sica and Sooyoung's, imo.
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avatar credits to ajae2600

Taeyeon and Jessica banner credits to dragonchan and Yoona one to ajae2600

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Posted 10 October 2008 - 12:56 PM

maknae was a bit shy lol
people just gave random stuff to yoona and yoona replied it in a random way as well lol
get more sleep!
it wont be good for u T^T
hv more vitamins!
haha of cos
sunny will stay tune for tae lol
cheers for the translation
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Jubin Jubin
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 12:58 PM

wow, replies from Yoona unnie and maknae!! this is a first for me haha
Seohyun's replies are pretty chill lolz
but Yoona unnie's replies make me sad. :(
she needs sleep!!!
but that fan's questions made me laugh, "Is Yoona alive?"
anywhoo, thanks for sharing! ^^
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nonshowbiz nonshowbiz
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 01:09 PM

its such a pity we dont get to see yoona with the girls onstage that much, but its great to see her on tv almost everyday! some of the girls should make an appearance in yamd haha
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octi-eww octi-eww
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 01:14 PM

Rofl, I don't know but the replies are soooooooo like them. They represent each member very well. The two maknaes are so polite that it's quite hilarious. If you compare them to Sica's, Yul's and SYoung's. Maknae kept on saying thank you lol and Yoona, gosh, I miss her.
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 02:42 PM

wow yoona actually found time to reply to UFOs? yoona jjang!! xD
i love her replies, especially the "spam the message board" one. lol.
i'm seriously worried for this girl. she went from a girl who could lift a heavy box to a girl who can't even open a bottle. SM please give this girl some rest... and what? she was only able to film FG twice?? that means we won't be seeing much of her huh? T_T no wonder they put her in the candy girls team, so it's basically 4vs.4 and not 4vs5.... T_T anyway, seohyun's replies are so .... seohyun. lol. i want at least one icy reply from her... one..that's all... i don't ask for much. sunny's reply was jjang! lol. sunyeon much?? ;D
thank you so much for translating! :)
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grandma deer grandma deer
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 02:42 PM

aiggooooo reading all these make me sooo happy :) Its sad that they're all related to sleep and how busy she is but I'm just really happy she replied^^
ohemgee HimYoona is gone T___T *stabs YAMD*
hahahahaha I love this one http://img522.images...05/1copyqj2.jpg oh Yoong<3333
rofl I like this fan http://img521.images...yws1.jpg......I would request for the same thing...
LOL even though Maknae's replies are not funny...I cant stop laughing at how much she sounds like a kid^^adorabbllleee
Thanks Dan for the translations and Pam for the ps!!

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svisual svisual
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 03:45 PM

Yoong...... :cry1:

after reading her replies, all i wanna do is buy lots and lots of tonics/vitamins/health drinks/etc and just mail them all to our dear Him Yoona... :'(

YAMD FASTER WRAP UP YOUR FILMING!!! We miss Yoona too much with the rest of the girls... :(
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 05:10 PM

i feel very sad for Yoona after reading her replies T-T
she is known as the strongest girl,
yet she couldnt even open a bottle cap.
Now i wont complain not seeing her often,
I would rather she sleeps peacefully.
And I dont want to see her getting sick later ><
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chiaroscuro. chiaroscuro.
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 05:19 PM

aww yoona! it's so sad that she's working herself this hard. she should at least try to get some sleep.. ): i was sad i didn't see her too much in factory girl either but i knew it had to be because of yamd. i'm cheering you on yoona! (: and seohyun is adorable, she's so polite! haha (:
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 05:54 PM

lols, at the person who said "is yoona alive?"
heheh. i cant wait till she finishes the drama
so SNSD will be reunited again (:
and i def. agree that seohyun's been looking
gorgeous lately!

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AngelAsuka AngelAsuka
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 07:28 PM

thanks for the translating
is really great to see such new message got be translated.So we can know our girl's situation~
haha alwasy love soshi
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@  iheartPreSun (04:19:41 AM) @ns_ardent we old now /cries
@  Keitaro88 (01:54:24 AM) it is
@  ns_ardent (08:09:26 PM)

i hope everyone i mean sones and soshi themselves are in good health both physically n mentally

@  ns_ardent (08:08:51 PM)

readin back some fanfics n encounter names like sulli n hara felt a lil sad & nostalgic at the same time

@  ns_ardent (08:08:14 PM)

Havent been visiting ssf for a looonnggg timmeee...im old now. 

@  kidrobot (09:02:20 AM) @kinetickin31 it's bouncing!!
@  iheartPreSun (06:11:06 PM) @kidrobot thanks!
@  Keitaro88 (08:19:55 AM) >_> https://pbs.twimg.co...=jpg&name=small
@  kinetickin31 (07:12:47 PM)

is this box still jumping?

@  kinetickin31 (07:12:36 PM)


@  kidrobot (07:10:08 PM) taeyeon heaven!
@  kidrobot (07:09:56 PM) @iheartPreSun welcome! i hope you enjoy your stay!
@  iheartPreSun (04:51:09 AM) @kidrobot wateryuuu
@  iheartPreSun (04:51:05 AM) and congrats
@  iheartPreSun (04:51:02 AM) @wobwab welcome back!
@  kidrobot (04:38:12 PM) @Keitaro88 yeah, iheartpresun is new!
@  wobwab (06:14:14 AM)

The first time I’ve been here was in 2008. LOL 

@  wobwab (06:10:55 AM)

Haven't been here since forever. Hi there SSF’s staffs. Sica is coming to my country this Aug. I’m so happy ~������������ Met Yoong some months ago in a fanmeeting. It is such a good life I’m having cuz our girls are still active after all these years.

@  Keitaro88 (02:23:47 AM) both new
@  kidrobot (02:27:56 AM) ...
@  iheartPreSun (05:01:04 PM) i know you
@  iheartPreSun (05:00:56 PM) @kidrobot no
@  kidrobot (08:56:48 PM) @iheartPreSun are you new here?