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[TOSSI] Yuri's Tossi Entries for October

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Posted 10 October 2008 - 02:19 PM

October 10, 2008


The Girls' challenge as editors! The first episode of Factory Girl has been broadcast! Did you all watch it joyfully? ^^?!
All of us rushed home after a perfornance and all sat together in front of the TV and kekekekkee laughed and enjoyed it so~oooo much!

The Dream Girls team being scared of the baby soprano pig was soooo cute uhahahahahah!
( Kids~ our team was the snake.. haha
although.. I coudn't even touch it,,,, T_T hahahahaha)

Editor Yuri had left for New York in order to gather some data!
The interview done with Candy Girl Team's Jessica!
The make up we received from Laura Mercier's top makeup artist...
You can meet a whole new Yuri ~

Please continue love Factory Girl very very much~ ♡

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October 4, 2008
(originally this was posted on September 24th but it was deleted due to anti comments but reposted again on the 4th)

Why this person~! If you're going to hold the broom then you should sweep with it!!

How exciting~ Singing and Dancing~ ♬

Uhhehe~ Have a good lunch time everyone > <

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link to yuri's tossi --> http://blackpearlyur....com/mytossi.do
translation credits to boxclub @ www.soshified.com/forums

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Posted 10 October 2008 - 02:23 PM

Eeemo rocks my world.
Hehe Kwon-seobang mentioned her wife, Sica. I can't wait for the NY episode. And I can totally imagine all the girls coming home early to watch 'Factory Girl'. It seems like they enjoyed the first episode as well. Haha she's so cute mentioning how they were afraid of the loud pig as well as how she didn't touch the snake.

The other entry is super sweet. And the picture is love~
Yul needs to update more.
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 02:28 PM

Oh she's awesome. lol.
FG was hilarious.
the animal scenes were too funny.
i was shocked that it was Sunny who ended up grabbing the snake.
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cheesinator cheesinator
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 02:36 PM

OMG! haha. the thought of the girls rushing home after their performance just to watch themselves is so amusing. and the fact that they all laughed and enjoyed their own show is super cute. xD
i can't wait to see a whole new yuri in new york. :) as well as jesstiffyoung.
ROTFL @ the broom comment. did she mean that she only posed with the broom and not actually put it to good use? tsk tsk yuri. lol. i hope she can ignore any antifans from now on and continue posting because i really enjoy her tossi entries. lol. thanks so much for the translation!! :)
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Kero_kEiro Kero_kEiro
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 03:37 PM

hahah..its so cute of the girls to get back for their performance and sit down together to watch FG
then get a good laugh out of it...
they must have laughed super hard when Dream Girls were handling the pig xD
that picture is awesome =3
so its taken in NY? wonder what did the other 2 do
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 03:39 PM

haha you're doing tossi too now lol. hwaiting!
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 03:53 PM

thank you so much .. hwaiting!

I'm really looking forward to more FG episodes to reveal more yulsic wahaha.

Yul and Sica entry is always a win win win! ^^

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Posted 10 October 2008 - 04:20 PM

kyaa~ the pitcure wid yulsic ! her face looks like its glowing xD
her face looks so smooth. pokepoke*
lol. i cant wait for the rest of the FG episodes !
&yes yul, i will continue to watch. ^^
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Ryo Ryo
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 05:05 PM

haha that's so cute . I can see them all sitting on the floor .. watching themselves on TV , laughing and enjoying it x)
so fun .. I wonder if Yoona was there with them , though . probably not .. ㅜ_ㅜ

baby soprano pig <- LOL ! I love that . haha very nice description , Yuri ah ~ ^^

I loveee that picture that Yul posted . Sica looks like a mannequin in that pic .. haha , gorgeous ~

thank you for translating , boxclub ^^
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 05:23 PM

Rofl, they all rushed home to watch Factory Girl ? Bwahahaha, that's so adorable and cute (I hope they do that often haha). Such sonyuhs. Gosh, I love them. I can imagine their reaction while watching. Especially when they got Sica's moments :lol: They must've really enjoyed it.
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 05:39 PM

omg, thanks for posting! ^^
the thought of them rushing home to watch factory girl is funny haha
but wow, Yuri unnie looks so pretty with that make up.
i see Jessica unnie in the back! hehe.
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 05:42 PM

Lols, I loved FG, but hearing the girls talk about it so blatantly, obviously, made me love it more. xD
"We rushed home to watch it!" Well, I guess I can relate to that, xD after all, I rushed to SSF to see if it was out. xD
Anyways, Yuri's awesome for updating us of the girls~ lalala love~

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Posted 10 October 2008 - 07:24 PM

awww the girls still like little kids for me
haha the image of the girls rushing home from the performance just to see the first episode was just so adorable
lol their dorm had to be super loud and noisy w/ laughing and squeaking
man i can't wait to see the NY episodes, it has to be interesting and funny.
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credit to Wenting

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Posted 10 October 2008 - 07:26 PM

wow,just finish the reading about the yuri's beauty secret guide.
this pic is sooooo beautiful,wow~
just like the word
a whole new yuri~~ really pretty~what a magic!
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eunsoo eunsoo
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 07:50 PM

ahh..Factory Girl~of course we all watched it joyfully! (x
lol. thats cute how yuri described that they all rushed home after performance then sat together in front of TV. &laughing~hee.. really love the part of Dream Girl Team with baby soprano pig,while..Candy Girl Team with the snake. lol.
gosh. that pic~yuri so beautiful! &ahem..sica too,at the back~keke. yulsic! <3
yuri with the broom~lol.
thanx for the translating. ^^
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 08:03 PM

I can totally imagine them huddling together in front of the TV laughing and pointing at themselves rofl Taeng would be on the floor of course, sitting 5 inches from the TV bouncing like a 5 year old. >.<
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 08:04 PM

cant wait for the second episode

in second epi i wish they are in NY so that there would be more n more yulsic tgt!!!!

yuri put on lots of makeup in the pic

her eyes are really black

YulSic is REAL
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speedyWing speedyWing
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 08:08 PM

That first cap was like...*dies...YUL!!!

I can imagine the girls all crowd together and laugh at each other hahaha....isn't it always weird to watch yourself on tv?

I'm missing out on soooo much stuff -_- need to catch uuuup...
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wobwab wobwab
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 08:09 PM

The 2 pictures were awesome!! Beauty Beauty!
NY episode please come soon!!!!
I am so glad Yul posted the deleted entry again. >.<

Yesterday I sat wondering whether the girls managed to watch FG and see the secret observation (hidden camera?) of their personal daily styles or not, because if they did, that would be extremely fun and they would acknowledge the comments/compliments the Elle Girl Managing Editor gave them. ^^ Plus they would see with their own eyes how the Editor inspected their rooms/wardrobes. LOL
Now Yul confirmed the truth that they watched FG#1. hahahaha I can imagine the girls had a great time watching it.

Thanks so much for translating the entries, boxclub. I admire your translating skill a lot. <3

Candy Girls team FIGHTING!!
Dream Girls team FIGHTING!!
YulSic FIGHTING!!!!! ^^
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Posted 10 October 2008 - 08:23 PM

Yuri is sooooo pretty!!!
Yuri only have antis because they're jealous of her beauty
Kwon Seobang and her wife going to ny together...how fun
can't wait until for the next episode
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@  iheartPreSun (04:19:41 AM) @ns_ardent we old now /cries
@  Keitaro88 (01:54:24 AM) it is
@  ns_ardent (08:09:26 PM)

i hope everyone i mean sones and soshi themselves are in good health both physically n mentally

@  ns_ardent (08:08:51 PM)

readin back some fanfics n encounter names like sulli n hara felt a lil sad & nostalgic at the same time

@  ns_ardent (08:08:14 PM)

Havent been visiting ssf for a looonnggg timmeee...im old now. 

@  kidrobot (09:02:20 AM) @kinetickin31 it's bouncing!!
@  iheartPreSun (06:11:06 PM) @kidrobot thanks!
@  Keitaro88 (08:19:55 AM) >_> https://pbs.twimg.co...=jpg&name=small
@  kinetickin31 (07:12:47 PM)

is this box still jumping?

@  kinetickin31 (07:12:36 PM)


@  kidrobot (07:10:08 PM) taeyeon heaven!
@  kidrobot (07:09:56 PM) @iheartPreSun welcome! i hope you enjoy your stay!
@  iheartPreSun (04:51:09 AM) @kidrobot wateryuuu
@  iheartPreSun (04:51:05 AM) and congrats
@  iheartPreSun (04:51:02 AM) @wobwab welcome back!
@  kidrobot (04:38:12 PM) @Keitaro88 yeah, iheartpresun is new!
@  wobwab (06:14:14 AM)

The first time I’ve been here was in 2008. LOL 

@  wobwab (06:10:55 AM)

Haven't been here since forever. Hi there SSF’s staffs. Sica is coming to my country this Aug. I’m so happy ~������������ Met Yoong some months ago in a fanmeeting. It is such a good life I’m having cuz our girls are still active after all these years.

@  Keitaro88 (02:23:47 AM) both new
@  kidrobot (02:27:56 AM) ...
@  iheartPreSun (05:01:04 PM) i know you
@  iheartPreSun (05:00:56 PM) @kidrobot no
@  kidrobot (08:56:48 PM) @iheartPreSun are you new here?