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@  iheartPreSun (04:51:09 AM) @kidrobot wateryuuu
@  iheartPreSun (04:51:05 AM) and congrats
@  iheartPreSun (04:51:02 AM) @wobwab welcome back!
@  kidrobot (04:38:12 PM) @Keitaro88 yeah, iheartpresun is new!
@  wobwab (06:14:14 AM)

The first time I’ve been here was in 2008. LOL 

@  wobwab (06:10:55 AM)

Haven't been here since forever. Hi there SSF’s staffs. Sica is coming to my country this Aug. I’m so happy ~������������ Met Yoong some months ago in a fanmeeting. It is such a good life I’m having cuz our girls are still active after all these years.

@  Keitaro88 (02:23:47 AM) both new
@  kidrobot (02:27:56 AM) ...
@  iheartPreSun (05:01:04 PM) i know you
@  iheartPreSun (05:00:56 PM) @kidrobot no
@  kidrobot (08:56:48 PM) @iheartPreSun are you new here?
@  iheartPreSun (07:52:47 PM) i miss sunny bro