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[SOSHI] - SNSD wears Lollipop necklaces~

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Jcee Jcee
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Posted 03 August 2008 - 03:56 PM

Oh man...I missed this too! :sq_silver_unhappy:
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Roxie Roxie
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Posted 03 August 2008 - 03:58 PM

Soshi members came flocking to soshified! O_O
And I wasnt even online to witness it. -_- I'm always not around.
Gah. All you 9 girls come here N-O-W!
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B E Y O N D nine
ⓒ crappynco & cream

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Posted 03 August 2008 - 04:00 PM

lol 4/9 and i missed all of them, 5more to go
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Posted 03 August 2008 - 04:07 PM

noooo i missed it again!!! =[
Sica 누나 맨세!!!
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credit : baboshi & Sclt No.04

소녀시대 화이팅!


Credit Mellez

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Posted 03 August 2008 - 04:09 PM

Awww that's such wonderful news... It was way too late for me but I'm glad she logged in anyways. Soshi must've really loved the gifts for them all to come here one by one. I'm glad they did. Hope Sica liked what she saw... Does anyone have a transcript of what she said? I just wanna spazz over her words :)

Sica: Thank You so much, you've made us all very happy fans~ :)
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Right now, it's S♥NE~!

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Posted 03 August 2008 - 04:11 PM

oh god ... why am i never on when they drop by T.T
but anywaysss, THATS SOOOOOO AWESOME !!
jess needs to come by more often when i'm online ;D
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S♥NE Girls Generation Genie

*lemon&lime. *lemon&lime.
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Posted 03 August 2008 - 04:14 PM

are you serious?!
i missed her again? i'm going crazy; i'm going MAD!
while she was on here, i was dumb enuff to be watching 'we got married'.
& i knew she logged on since Soy told me that she JUST logged off.
stupid timing D:<

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luckheart06 luckheart06
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Posted 03 August 2008 - 04:26 PM

OMG!!!jessica was on soshified..
theres only five members left..hehehe
i wonder what was she doing not sleeping...
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We will be S♥NE (소원) together with SNSD

Tae Yeon ♥
As a Taeganger, I promise to despise all aegyo, to remain secretive with my butt fetishes,
to laugh whenever and however I want, to spread my 'amajjing!' engrish to everyone,
do everything I can to help Taeyeon in her quest to conquer the world, and to wear a mustache to make my TaeYeon proud
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Posted 03 August 2008 - 04:28 PM

oh my gosh!
that was just earlier today!
but unlike her, i was sleeping at that time.
haha. woooooooo. get the other members to go on, please!
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Posted 03 August 2008 - 04:30 PM

i keep on missing when they go on.
oh well. at least she was on! ^^

Edited by iheartBIGBANG, 03 August 2008 - 04:30 PM.

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Posted 03 August 2008 - 04:31 PM

i guess they take turns going on!
was tae yeon on before her or was hyo yeon first...?
oh well. yay!
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haveuread haveuread
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Posted 03 August 2008 - 04:32 PM

now its jessica. yay
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Posted 03 August 2008 - 04:33 PM

Jessica is awesome.
She even talked about cucumber. hahaha
Jessica jjang!!!!
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We Are Nothing Without 9
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Taengoo: "데뷔 후 라디오에서 이렇게 즐거워하는 시카는 처음보내요."
Sica: "탱구랑 같이 있어서 그래여~" -- From ChinChin 090723

Credit Sig Photo: me

iHEARTsoshi iHEARTsoshi
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Posted 03 August 2008 - 04:35 PM

AHHHH!!! I'm dying on the inside XD Hopefully I'm on once when someone's on. Hm . . who's gonna come on next?
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haveuread haveuread
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Posted 03 August 2008 - 04:35 PM

taeyeon i hope she visits soshified
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yaayayyay yaayayyay
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Posted 03 August 2008 - 04:35 PM

so which members have gone on so far?! T_T
wish i could've been there..
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Posted 03 August 2008 - 04:47 PM

UGH!!!! Why the hell i keep missing good stuff
anyway the girls are awesome! they do love soshified yo! we are precious yo
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cr, chapstik

What doesn't kill you, might leave you crippled.

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ehnkay ehnkay
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Posted 03 August 2008 - 04:47 PM

are you kidding me!!
ahh i keep missing everytime one of the members come on ):
and what does she mean by aheming cucumbers and pickels? lol XD
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leesungmin_x3 leesungmin_x3
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Posted 03 August 2008 - 04:49 PM

missed again!
im glad the girls are signing on these days though (:
hope more members log in!
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john john
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Posted 03 August 2008 - 04:51 PM



imma go kill myself.
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Jessica lover

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@  iheartPreSun (04:19:41 AM) @ns_ardent we old now /cries
@  Keitaro88 (01:54:24 AM) it is
@  ns_ardent (08:09:26 PM)

i hope everyone i mean sones and soshi themselves are in good health both physically n mentally

@  ns_ardent (08:08:51 PM)

readin back some fanfics n encounter names like sulli n hara felt a lil sad & nostalgic at the same time

@  ns_ardent (08:08:14 PM)

Havent been visiting ssf for a looonnggg timmeee...im old now. 

@  kidrobot (09:02:20 AM) @kinetickin31 it's bouncing!!
@  iheartPreSun (06:11:06 PM) @kidrobot thanks!
@  Keitaro88 (08:19:55 AM) >_> https://pbs.twimg.co...=jpg&name=small
@  kinetickin31 (07:12:47 PM)

is this box still jumping?

@  kinetickin31 (07:12:36 PM)


@  kidrobot (07:10:08 PM) taeyeon heaven!
@  kidrobot (07:09:56 PM) @iheartPreSun welcome! i hope you enjoy your stay!
@  iheartPreSun (04:51:09 AM) @kidrobot wateryuuu
@  iheartPreSun (04:51:05 AM) and congrats
@  iheartPreSun (04:51:02 AM) @wobwab welcome back!
@  kidrobot (04:38:12 PM) @Keitaro88 yeah, iheartpresun is new!
@  wobwab (06:14:14 AM)

The first time I’ve been here was in 2008. LOL 

@  wobwab (06:10:55 AM)

Haven't been here since forever. Hi there SSF’s staffs. Sica is coming to my country this Aug. I’m so happy ~������������ Met Yoong some months ago in a fanmeeting. It is such a good life I’m having cuz our girls are still active after all these years.

@  Keitaro88 (02:23:47 AM) both new
@  kidrobot (02:27:56 AM) ...
@  iheartPreSun (05:01:04 PM) i know you
@  iheartPreSun (05:00:56 PM) @kidrobot no
@  kidrobot (08:56:48 PM) @iheartPreSun are you new here?