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@  kidrobot (04:38:15 PM) candle!
@  iheartPreSun (04:19:41 AM) @ns_ardent we old now /cries
@  Keitaro88 (01:54:24 AM) it is
@  ns_ardent (08:09:26 PM)

i hope everyone i mean sones and soshi themselves are in good health both physically n mentally

@  ns_ardent (08:08:51 PM)

readin back some fanfics n encounter names like sulli n hara felt a lil sad & nostalgic at the same time

@  ns_ardent (08:08:14 PM)

Havent been visiting ssf for a looonnggg timmeee...im old now. 

@  kidrobot (09:02:20 AM) @kinetickin31 it's bouncing!!
@  iheartPreSun (06:11:06 PM) @kidrobot thanks!
@  Keitaro88 (08:19:55 AM) >_> https://pbs.twimg.co...=jpg&name=small
@  kinetickin31 (07:12:47 PM)

is this box still jumping?

@  kinetickin31 (07:12:36 PM)


@  kidrobot (07:10:08 PM) taeyeon heaven!
@  kidrobot (07:09:56 PM) @iheartPreSun welcome! i hope you enjoy your stay!
@  iheartPreSun (04:51:09 AM) @kidrobot wateryuuu
@  iheartPreSun (04:51:05 AM) and congrats
@  iheartPreSun (04:51:02 AM) @wobwab welcome back!